Baahubali 2 songs team
Baahubali 2 songs team

Coming to the vfx of this movie, i found it to be cartoonish n very silly. The director didn't know how to create tension or get the best outta his cast n crew. Ther r unnecessary scenes which jus drags on.

baahubali 2 songs team

Most of us started fiddling with our fones. The expressions n mannerisms aint convincing. Inspite of the movie being 3 hrs long, there is zero character development. Basically there was zero effort in the screenplay. The hero is shown as the best human being without any shades of grey. The story of this movie is so lame that at times i felt m i watching an 80s bollywood crap. The only reason i am writing a review of this trash is to let my anger out. Was not keen on watching the 2nd but sometimes u cant deny ur pals.

baahubali 2 songs team

There were a few weak scenes (the weird flying ship (dream?) sequence comes to mind) that IMO kept #2 from being as overall as good as #1 but, all in all, an over-the-top epic fantasy with perhaps a somewhat different aesthetic than Western audiences are used to (picture Aragorn and Arwen, backed by dancing elves, breaking into a love duet in the middle of the council of Elrond).įinally sat down to write the review of this over-hyped trash.

baahubali 2 songs team

As with #1, I watched a subtitled version so can't really comment on the acting but all of the leads still look and sound the part (Anushka Shetty's Devasena and Sathyaraj's Kattappa are particularly good). Not surprisingly, most of the film is CGI: very good in places but times looking more like a video-game than an epic, 'live-action' film. Even Wile E Coyote would have dismissed this strategy as improbable, but the laws of physics are outrageously ignored throughout most of the action scenes and this is just a particularly egregious (but fun) example. The buzz-saw chariot is back (now equipped with a sort of volley-gun arrow launcher) but the tactical highlight is the palm-tree catapults that launch teams of soldiers who to use their shields to form armored balls in mid-air. Baahubali passes himself of as a 'blockhead' to get near Princess Devasena) to bloody (if cartoonish) violence including multiple impalements, immolations, and decapitations. Like its antecedent, this film swings wildly from almost slapstick comedy (e.g. The surprise reveal at the end of part 1 is explained and the circle is completed with the transition of the hero role from Amarendra Baahubali himself to his son, Mahendra Baahubali (both played by Prabhas) (who, as an infant, was saved from his murderous uncle by the queen, as seen in the prologue to the first film).

baahubali 2 songs team

Baahubali 2 (2017) continues the epic silliness of the first Baahubali (2015), with even bigger battles, dance scenes, menacing looks, and muscles.

Baahubali 2 songs team