Plug the other end of the wiring loom into the Aculife unit.

Prophylaxis Official representatives Become a distributor Downloads Contact Information. Out a short wave electric pulse through the acupoints on the hand and ear. Blockages via the meridians in the body (on which acupuncture is based). Aculife Magnetic Wave Stimulator is for magnetic, stimuli, meridians. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on the Western chart. Here’s What Happens When You Touch These Points On Your Hands. Hand therapy is highly linked to other places on your body and when you touch these points on your hands there can be some benefits of reflexology you find. Take one of the two patches supplied and connect the wiring loom to the back of the patch using the push-on connector.The instructions for correct use of Aculife patches are as follows: The patch system may be used in two different ways. The Aculife patch system is by far the easiest way to use Aculife.