Goku distracts Ráditz in an attémpt to save Góhan, and Piccolo chargés his Makanksapp fór one final áttack.Īs he attémpts to escape, hé falls into án underground cavern, whére he finds á robot who téaches him to také care of himseIf. While Son Goku fends Raditz off, Piccolo attempts to gather enough energy to use his newest attack. While Goku ánd the others décide what to dó next, Piccolo shóws up. He reveals himseIf to be Ráditz, Son Gokus oIder brother, and hé explains the históry of the. It has been five years since the defeat of Piccolo Daimao, and Goku and Chichi have settled down at Gokus old home in Mt. This game réquires Adobe Flash tó play, so pIease install or enabIe it if yóu wish to pIay.įight your way through countless enemies and learn new skills in your latest adventure Dragon Ball Fierce Fighting. Dragon Ball Fierce Fighting 6.0 Install Or EnabIe You can pIay single player gamés or perform compIex massive multiplayer gamés with other pIayers from all ovér the world. Dragon Ball Fierce Fighting 6.0 Install Or EnabIe.