Update (): Some users have reported that using USB 3.0 has caused issues when setting this up…for that reason I recommend using a flash drive that is USB 2.0 if you run into any issues. The problem is there’s no real easy way to create a flash drive that can store all of these, and boot into any of your choosing, and still be functional under Windows when using it for troubleshooting or repairing workstations…until now. That means getting rid of all my Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 8, Server 2003, Server 2008, Ubuntu 12.04, Linux Mint 13…I think you get the point. When I got the new flash drive I was determined to figure out a way to get rid of my bulky CD case and just carry this one drive around with me. After my old 64GB flash drive took a dump I decided to purchase a new 64GB flash drive with USB 3.0 and compatibility for USB 2.0 and USB 1.1. If you’re like me at all you probably have more flash drives than you want to carry around, especially when they could all probably fit on one.